New To Netflix (November 2017)


Here’s a little feature I’d like to put out every month as a public service. Other websites may tell you what is being made available (and being taken away from) Netflix every month. You’ll find the “Source” hyperlink above. The problem is most of the stuff on Netflix is crap. A lot of it is for children, as Netflix becomes a perfectly acceptable substitute for parenting. So we’re going to sift through the crap, and pan for gold on your behalf.

Netflix is LOSING:

November 1:
The Newton Boys – Matthew McCoonaughey and Ethan Hawke play 1920’s bankrobbers
The Matrix (Trilogy) – Sometimes you just feel like watching some badass fight scenes
V for Vendetta – Futuristic dystopia where the government controls everything hmmmm

November 5:
Heavyweights – Ben Stiller plays a role that may be familiar to fans of ‘Dodgeball’

November 13:
How I Met Your Mother: Seasons 1-9 –  I quit watching sometime around season 5 I think? If you’re still going, God bless you, but you’re running out of time!


Netflix is GETTING:

November 1:
Chappie – I haven’t seen it yet, but I think it’s basically Wall-E if he were a fucking G.
Scary Movie – Hasn’t aged well, but was a fantastic parody of its contemporaries

November 17:
Marvel’s The Punisher – FUCK. YESSSSSS. If you haven’t been watching the Marvel shows on Netflix, I don’t blame you. Jessica Jones was slow. Iron Fist was stupid. Luke Cage was actually quite enjoyable. Daredevil was good, but felt like homework sometimes… until the end of Season 2 when The Punisher shows up and that’s when the show became incredible. I couldn’t be more excited for any Netflix production not named Stranger Things.

November 21:
Brian Regan: Nunchucks and Flamethrowers – Clean comic who’s clever and hilarious

November 27:
My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic – This is just a test to see if you’re paying attention.


One final note: Just a reminder that Stranger Things Season 2 comes out Friday October 27th, which means that millions of assholes will binge them from midnight to 9am and hold you hostage. Avoid ‘that guy’ in your office and read facebook, twitter, etc. through your fingers until you’re in the clear.

Happy binging!

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